Thursday, 7 May 2009

Drugged Sleep

We brought our 5 weeks old kittens to the vet recently, and were given anti-worm syrup.... apparently it makes them sleepy . . . . this is by far the worst, it slept even at the vet hehehe


- Leejsterz - 65 ♥ said...

HEHE cute! yang dibelakang atu pun macam akan akan tertidur.. (:

Moralle said...

so cute, teringat when my mom still alive, she had more than 10 cute cats, that time we r staying in kampung house, that is why banyak kucing, hehehe...

To mrs G, happy mothers day to u sis........u to such a lovely mum n wife......take care :)

Gembo said...

Hi Sis Moralle

I grew up in kampung house too (see the blog header), so was used to having cats. When we moved in to the crib, the contractor took care of 2 really jinak stray cats, and we adopted them. Seronok juga ada cats, but leceh when it comes to cleaning their cage :)

N Happy Mothers day to you too sis, loving mother to ur kids and then some (heheh Nadh).

Salam to the family!